How to Be Smarter Than the Cable News Talking Heads

How to Be Smarter Than the Cable News Talking Heads

Why are the talking heads on TV and online so often wrong? And why does the market tend to zig when it should zag? In this episode, I share the two economic reports that can give you the real state of the economy — and what to look for that reveals where the economy is going while most of the market is focused on the wrong thing.

You can download a free digital copy of Dennis’ book “Retirement Built Right – The Essential Guide for Telephone Employees!” here:

Tap into Dennis O’Keefe’s 30+ years of experience helping telecom employees maximize their company-specific benefits packages for situations including early retirement, buyout offers, career changes and more!

Featuring actionable, practical how-to advice along with stories of REAL telecom employees Dennis has helped navigate through every benefits situation imaginable, each episode of “Your Telecom Retirement” focuses on how to maximize the money you take out of your time working for telecom.

Dennis’ expertise has been featured by Business Insider, The Boston Globe and Yahoo! Finance.

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